Work, work… and more work

Hi, Bloggers!

First, I apologize for my absence, I have been drowning in work. University has swamped me with serious time consuming work. I’m in a classic sink or swim situation. I’ve been floating and occasionally swam some laps. šŸ™‚

I really thought by now I will have something posted and worked on some posts I have on a retainer. But, unfortunately those posts need editing; I wouldn’t want to post something not worth reading.

I also wanted to tell you, I’m going to be more absent, at least till mid-October. I do promise great things when I come back. It’s a royal promise.

Yours Truly,



Hi Pressers,

I had this great plan of posting a review on one great author. I really did. And in my head, today is an awesome review day. But because of university assignments, exams and the whatnots I’m completely swamped with work. This also means no Wednesday quiz. I’m really sorry!

So, please forgive me if you were expecting a review. However, I do promise fun posts next week. I’ll make it up to you. I have a room full of magical books. šŸ˜‰

In the meantime, if you have any requests or simply need something drop me a comment.

Yours Truly,
