A big thank you and… The Encouraging Thunder Award

Oh My Duchess!!! *Crazy Dance*

I might have banged my head on the wall doing the crazy dance. A big thank you goes to Felicia Sue Lynn for nominating moi. Now I know how celebrities feel when nominated for awards. Again, thank you Felicia Sue Lynn. And to the people that came up with award. This makes me love blogging even more. 🙂 😀



  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post the Encouraging Thunder logo.
  • Mention your purpose in blogging.
  • Nominate others for the award.

My purpose for blogging

I, initially, started the blog as my digital marketing project. And since my life revolves around three things: books, food and gym. I decided that starting a blog on books was a winner. Why? Because I find time for reading all the time. Plus there’s just something about books that makes feel like you have super powers. Am I right or am I…right? 

After writing my first review I knew deep down in my heart that this blog was different. For one, I remembered my password. But most importantly, I loved telling people what I learned from all the books I’ve read. Especially people who love reading as much as I do.

I nominate:

For people that are already nominated, I thought I’d nominate you too. 🙂 Happy Nomination!

Yours Truly,
